by Best Manufacturers
Buy new: $15.12
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(Visit the Best Sellers in Potato Mashers list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
The Waffle Head Masher from Best Manufacturers is a perfectly balanced tool which allows the home cook to control the texture. Potatoes taste like glue when they are over processed because the starch in them is overworked. Electric mixers easily make paste out of potatoes and wire shaped hand mashers can still over work the starch. Best's Waffle Head Masher actually rices the potato through the head making fluffy potatoes just like they should be. Stainless steel head and Pink metal handle. The handle is completely sealed with epoxy to eliminate any area where food may lodge and water may enter, making it more sanitary and easy-to-clean. Dishwasher safe. 10-inch length.
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