by Rosle USA
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Rosle’s Pineapple Cutter Creates Symmetrical, Decorative Rings of Pineapple with Little Effort and Mess. Rosle’s Pineapple Cutter is the ideal tool to produce perfect pineapple rings or slices and does so in no time. The best part of the fruit can be extracted in a few simple steps: The top of the pineapple is first cut away, about a half inch below the top or stems. The Pineapple Cutter can then be easily set to work and twisted from the top into the fruit. The ergonomic handle ensures a good grip and making the task almost effortless. Once the tool has reached the base of the pineapple, the fruit flesh is already separated from the trunk or core and the utensil can be simply retracted. The result is a stack of ready to serve, decorative rings of pineapple that not only taste delicious but look beautiful.
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