by Smart-Goods
Buy new: $18.99
(Visit the Best Sellers in Herb & Spice Mills list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
SHARP Crusher is A non-aluminum grinder. The metal alloy making up the SHARP Crusher grinder is much stronger Zinc and steel are forged together under extreme heat to produce the highest quality metal alloy. The heavier weight of the grinder feels great in your hand. The outside finish/coating of SHARP Crusher is UNIQUE. The texture of the grinder is different from other grinders. The special coating minimized scratch and wear & tear on the grinder over-time. It will keep the grinder new and shinny for a very long period of time .....
SMART GOODS is the first authorized dealer for these grinders on Amazon. The design of the grinder has been greatly improved and updated. The threading has been greatly improved and is comparable to space case. The SHARP Crusher brand guarantees quality, reliability, and affordable prices.
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