by Goodbyn
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5 used & new from $13.81
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The Raspberry Goodbyn Original Kit utilizes five compartments perfectly sized - and perfectly designed - to keep kids' lunches from spilling, sloshing or mixing. Sandwiches won't taste like your banana and your fresh fruit won't have biscuit crumbs in it. Made entirely of FDA-approved materials, the Goodbyn lunchbox is dishwasher-safe and made to last. And when it's time for a new one, the Goodbyn lunchbox is 100 percent recyclable. And, with hundreds of stickers, you'll love designing their own one-of-a-kind, super cool lunchbox. The Goodbyn lunchbox does away with wasteful plastic bags and drink boxes. Parents can save an estimated 190 dollars per child each year on these two items alone. That's good news for mom and mother Earth.
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