by Metrokane
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19 used & new from $0.01
(Visit the Best Sellers in Wine Stoppers & Pourers list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Feature this counter display anywhere wine is sold and watch the sales receipts ring up! Each unit contains twelve 2-packs. The silicone wine stoppers seal wine and soda bottles air tight. Plus, they're available in multiple colors to match any bottle design. Wine stoppers counter display has twelve 2-packs. The silicone wine stoppers seal bottles air tight. Multiple colors. From Rabbit. <LI>New rabbit wine stopper are designed and priced for impulse sales<LI>They seal wine and soda bottles air- tight<LI>But their happy color and shinny stainless tops make them downright irresistible<LI>Each counter display unit contain twelve "2-packs"
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