by Chicago Cutlery
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Heavy, strong, and durable, the four knives in this set cut a steak, lamb chop, or pork roast into bite-size pieces and look terrific at the table. Fully forged from single pieces of high-carbon stainless steel, the knives have straight edge (rather than serrated), 4-1/2-inch blades so they slice cleanly through meat without tearing the fibers. Their classic three-rivet, black-plastic handles have full tangs for strength and the knives have bolsters for balance. After dinner, the knives go safely into the dishwasher. --Fred Brack
Chicago Cutlery Insignia 4-Piece Steak Set includes 4-Each steak knives.Chicago Cutlery Insignia collection has fully tapered edges providing extreme sharpness for improved cutting performance. The high-carbon stainless steel blade resists stains and provides long lasting beauty and easy maintenance. Polymer handles are durable and non-porous. This knife's full tang and triple rivets provide optimum strength and stability.
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